Stewarton Bible School

SBS  Calendar

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The Annual Sabbaths of Yahweh

Years 1993 - 1999

CIVIL YEAR New Moon (conjunction) Times A likely first sighting at Jerusalem on New Year's Day First Day of Unleavened Bread Last Day of Unleavened Bread Feast of Pentecost Feast of Trumpets Fast of Atonement First Day of Tabernacles Last Great Day of Tabernacles
1993 Abib 23 March 07:16 evening 24 March 25 March 8 April 14 April 28 May 17 September 26 September 1 October 8 October
Ethanim 16 Sept. 03:12 evening 16 Sept.
1994 Abib 12 March 07:06 evening 13 March 14 March 28 March 3 April 17 May 7 September 16 September 21 September 28 September
Ethanim 5 Sept. 18:34 evening 6 Sept.
1995 Abib 31 March 02:09 evening 31 March 1 April 15 April 21 April 4 June 26 September 5 October 10 October 17 October
Ethanim 24 Sept. 16:56 evening 25 Sept.
1996 Abib 19 March 10:46 evening 20 March 21 March 4 April 10 April 24 May 14 September 23 September 28 September 5 October
Ethanim 12 Sept. 23:09 evening 13 Sept.
1997 Abib 9 March 01:15 evening 9 March 10 March 24 March 30 March 13 May 3 September 12 September 17 September 24 September
Ethanim 1 Sept. 23:53 evening 2 Sept.
1998 Abib 28 March 03:15 evening 28 March 29 March 12 April 18 April 1 June 22 September 1 October 6 October 13 October
Ethanim 20 Sept. 17:02 evening 21 Sept.
1999 Abib 17 March 18:49 evening 18 March 19 March 2 April 8 April 22 May 11 September 20 September 25 September 2 October
Ethanim 9 Sept. 22:03 evening 10 Sept.

Conjunction Times are reproduced with permission from data supplied by the Science Research Council, UK

The Beginnings of Months in the Sacred Calendar, 1993 - 1999
A seven-year chart identifying the first day of each month in the Sacred Calendar.

MONTHS 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
1 ABIB 25 March 14 March 01 April 21 March 10 March 29 March 19 March
2 ZIF 23 April 12 April 01 May 19 April 09 April 28 April 18 April
3 SIVAN 23 May 12 May 31 May 19 May 08 May 27 May 17 May
4   21 June 11 June 29 June 17 June 07 June 26 June 15 June
5   21 July 10 July 29 July 17 July 06 July 25 July 14 July
6 ELLUL 19 Aug. 09 Aug. 28 Aug. 16 Aug. 05 Aug. 23 Aug. 13 Aug.
7 ETHANIM 17 Sept. 07 Sept. 26 Sept. 14 Sept. 03 Sept. 22 Sept. 11 Sept.
8 BUL 17 Oct. 07 Oct. 26 Oct. 14 Oct. 03 Oct. 22 Oct. 11 Oct.
9 CHISLEU 15 Nov. 05 Nov. 24 Nov. 13 Nov. 02 Nov. 21 Nov. 09 Nov.
10 TEBETH 15 Dec. 04 Dec. 23 Dec. 12 Dec. 01 Dec. 20 Dec. 09 Dec.
    1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
11 SEBET 13 Jan. 03 Jan. 22 Jan. 10 Jan. 31 Dec. 19 Jan. 08 Jan.
12 ADAR 12 Feb. 01 Feb. 20 Feb. 09 Feb. 30 Jan. 18 Feb. 07 Feb.
13 ADAR 2   03 March     28 Feb.    


  1. In the Sacred Calendar a year begins in spring with the Passover month of Abib (Exodus 12:2, 13:4). Abib is also known as Nisan. Ethanim the seventh month is also known as Tishri. The 4th and 5th month names (Tammuz and Ab) are not found in the Scriptures. In leap years the twelfth month is called Adar 1 and the thirteenth month is called Adar 2. Months in the Sacred Calendar begin with a first- sighting of the new moon from the stand-point of Jerusalem. So the above dates will differ from the new moon dates shown in many pocket diaries. Diary dates are those of a conjunction (the astronomical new moon), which occurs a day or more before a first sighting. In this chart, the new moon is likely to be seen on the evening prior to the given date. For example, in 1993 Abib's new moon was expected to become visible on the evening of Wednesday 24th March, making Thursday 25th March 1993 the 1st Abib. This and the next Chart will help you keep track of the beginnings of months for years to come.

  2. Every seventh day of the week (Saturday) is a Sabbath; a sacred rest-day which, according to the Ten Commandments, all mankind is required to keep in honour of the Creator (Exodus 20:8-11, Isaiah 58:13-14, Hebrews 4:9-11). The Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday evening and ends at sunset on Saturday evening.

  3. In addition to the weekly sabbath there are seven other holydays in the Sacred Calendar which should be observed as Sabbath days (Leviticus chapter 23). The chart above lists these (Feast and Fast) dates for the coming years.

  4. Together with the weekly Sabbath of Saturday, the annual Sabbaths constitute the unchanging Sign or Signature of YAHWEH, the Almighty God of Israel (Exodus 20:12&20, Exodus 31:13-18).

  5. When Yahweh's Sabbaths are observed by a believer, they signal to the universe that here is a special worshipper of the Almighty: a believer in whose mind God has full permission to place His Law, His Seal, His Signature and His Name (Isaiah 8:16, Deuteronomy 6:4-8, Hebrews 8:8-10, Revelation 7:1-4).

  6. Another amazing fact is that the Almighty's annual Sabbaths are directly linked with the starting dates of the Time Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.

  7. For further study, see Calendar Booklet

SBS   Calendar Page     Annual Sabbaths for Years 2000 - 2005

Author: DBL
March 1999